About Us
General Objective
What We're All About

Knowledge Bridging
The nZEB Ready project seeks to provide the market with the right ingredients for boosting the deployment of nZEB buildings in the European Union.
#upskilling #collaboration #legal_provisions #financing #trainings #best_practice #sustainable_buildings #energy_efficiency #commerce #technology

Our Vision
Who We Are
Focused on unblocking the nZEB market, the project nZEB Ready acts on 3 different pillars as crystallized from literature review and relevant stakeholders’ consultation: awareness, training and support, responding to the critical points of market barriers, as identified in most European countries.
Project Consortium
Pro-nZEB Cluster – the coordinator of the project has a deep understanding of implications and a general overview about the nZEB concept, and its main goal as institution is the same as the main objective of nZEB ready project: to increase the nZEB market, a spin-off from the research institute URBAN INCERC and represents an umbrella for its members, all nZEB providers. Pro-nZEB, has expertise on all directions, regarding the awareness, the training of skilled professionals and the promoting of support instruments. pRO-nZEB has a large expertise and know-how in EU projects related to energy efficiency and nZEB implementation.
Complementary, the second Romanian partner is the Technical University of Civil Engineering (UTCB) which brings learning programmes advanced know-how very useful for achieving the O4 objective of the project related to the increase of the skilled nZEB professionals and the implementation of the mutual recognition procedures. Besides, UTCB will assist the other partners to fulfil their own learning frameworks in their own countries.
From Portugal we have the National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) which will lead the work related to replication and post implementation roadmaps related to the O7 objective of the project due to the high experience in other energy efficiency projects.
The Energy Efficiency Center – EnEffect is the Bulgarian partner which has large experience regarding the assistance of central and local authorities in harmonization of the legislation with the EU directives, on providing solutions to existing barriers related to EE and RES, on EE funding and financial schemes. Its main role has a direct impact to achieve objectives like O3 – regarding consultation to dedicated financial services or O5 related to support instruments for public authorities to integrate the nZEB requirements in tender process. Given the wide expertise of EnEffect on nZEB concept implementation it will coordinate the activities related to communication, dissemination and afterlife engagement of the project.
The Research and Innovation Centre Pro – Akademia (RIC) is a Polish NGO active in the field of interdisciplinary applied research in the field of social sciences and engineering related to sustainable energy and circular economy. Its expertise regarding the implementation of over 200 research and advisory projects for EU over 20-year long institutional experience as partner or as leader of H2020 projects recommends it as the main asset to fulfill the strategic objective O1 regarding the bridge between the past and the current initiatives in order to have the whole image about nZEB market.
The partner from Croatia is the Regional Energy Agency North (REAN) which is an expert partner for public authorities, SMEs, citizens and other organizations supporting them for the realization of ambitious plans for sustainable development, providing support for all the key categories of energy market stakeholders. REAN has the expertise and knowledge to provide a very important contribution to achieve the objectives O2 and O6 focused on the awareness of the key actors regarding the nZEB ecosystem benefits and on awareness of sustainability and energy related professions among the new generation.
The last but not the least partner is ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. Germany is not one of the pilot countries of the project, but ICLEI, an integrative partner, has a strong focus on supporting local governments in the implementation of sustainable development at community level. It has a strong role in the project to the development of tools and instruments for use by local authorities and other public sector actors to stimulate market demand for nZEB skills in construction projects. The main competences of the consortium partners demonstrate their rich expertise needed for a successful nZEB Ready implementation and, more important, sustainability of results.
Learn From Industry Leaders
nZEB Ready brings together some of the most experienced and well prepared professionals on matters related to high performance buildings.
Learn at Your Own Pace
Once the on-line platform will be fully operational, you will be able to find everything you need to implement nZEB in one place.
Professional Certification
New market driven mutual recognition training and certification scheme for nZEB deployment.

Want to learn more?
The overarching goal of the project is to support the increase of the market readiness for an effective nZEB implementation and to stimulate the demand for energy related skills.
Strategic objective O1: Past and current nZEB initiatives Nexus
Complete the nZEB puzzle with outcomes and results from past and current sustainable energy initiatives, identifying what we have, what is missing and what needs to be done to reach an nZEB functional market, gathering findings and using them for further advancement.